Name Wang ZehongA
Person ID 0342768
Index Year 1685
Gender k
رڳ ~
Dynasty MQing
ye Huangpi@
Choronym [Unknown]iԡj
Notes Index year algorithmically generated: Rule 5;

# Address Location Address Type Sequence of Moves First Year at Address Last Year at Address Address Source Address Notes
 1 . M--_--~--@(Huangpi) Basic Affiliationye(򥻦a}) 001     MihDWMing qing jin shi ti ming lu suo yin (:0262)  

# Entry Category Specific Mode Year of Entry Age at Entry Ҹլ Entry Ssource Entry Notes
 1 .   examination: jinshi (regular)|: Wih 1655     MihDWMing qing jin shi ti ming lu suo yin (:262)